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Book Girls Just Want Advanced Copies

Writer's picture: ✨Kaylee✨✨Kaylee✨

Normally I get paranormal a little farther into relationships of any sort, but fate is my fickle friend and the ghosties made this edit session really annoying. I have a knack for collecting ghosts/entities; I'm not a ghostbuster so I don't know their preferred terminology. Regardless, they like to link up with me and I just accept them as my own because I watched too mcuh Casper as a child, probably.

When I was doing a now dead podcast with a cohost, I'd had this problem happen a few times, and it's annoying every time. Basically, the app I use to edit audio will about half way through start playing back with static; one time it erased almost all the audio we'd recorded, but most of the time it just makes editing extremely annoying. It makes it hard to listen through and pause to edit sections like I normally do, but if I select sections and play them through the volume tool it plays perfectly normal. Aside from the static sound just driving me to near insanity, the editing process itself just takes longer to play sections through the volume tool and also trying to find the smaller areas to edit out.

Then I save it and it's perfect audio. Well not perfect because let's face it I am still a lazy editor 😂 I'm trying to be better at not disassociating while listening to myself recorded so I can edit out all those fire alarm chirps and my ice maker dumping ice! 🤦🏼‍♀️

Alright, enough of that blabbing, let's get into being a sex slave for advanced copies! When Seth makes that little call back to, in my opinion, let Georgie know who he is, I can barely contain myself every time I read it! Also, from here on out I'll probably always call her Georgie because Jerome can do it so I feel like I can too. Don't ask me to make sense of my brain book logic, does not compute.

I'll be honest, I don't think I would have been able to stay around if I embarrassed myself like how Georgie felt. But also, he wants to give her advanced copies soooooo 😏

Jerome looks like John Cusack to really just make you love him more. Is it just me? How would you be able to take this man seriously while he's talking about hellish duties? I just imagine he's like John Cusack from "Identity" in 2003.

Leather trench coat and all! With a demon energy I could get the intimidation, if you will. But if it's like John Cusack from "Serendipity" in 2001, I think it'd be a harder sell.

Actually I can see Jerome as both now that I've put them up and I don't know how to feel. Except like I outted myself as a middle millennial by picking these movies as reference instead of classic "Say Anything" John Cusack. Oh well, we're too far into this post to turn around now!

It's funny that I love Roman as much as I do when without fail I always forget about him until I re-read this series and he enters the chat again. I always think about Seth because (spoiler!) he stays around throughout the series. Then I get to the end of chapter 4, where Roman comes in, and my brain goes "oh yeah we LOVE him!" Eventually my toxic taste in men is gonna be seen in my shouting "I love him!!" at one of these characters thoughout many of these books, so buckle up for that ya'll.

I don't think I have anything else I wanted to say about the second episode (which is streaming where ever you listen to podcasts now!) But before we go, as promised in the podcast, here is my dog (Ophelia) and one of our cats (Trixie) in said standoff. This is after Trixie got tired of staring back at Ophelia and decided to leave, but Ophelia thought they were still standing off

Hoping to get on a schedule of recording Thursdays, editing Fridays and posting new episodes on Tuesdays. Yay for trying to keep to a schedule!

Until next time...

You're pretty; I love you! Okay byyyeeeeee


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